Selected work for Category: WorkPage 3 of 3

CIBVS – All about food

News and recipes from the food’s world

Il mio libro

First version of the bookshop’s corporate website “La scatola Lilla” (formerly “Il Mio Libro”)

Corsini ceramiche

First version of the corporate website


First version of Lazurite’s website portfolioWordPress integration

Scooby-Doo Live on stage

Italian version of the musical Scooby-Doo live on stage (Mas srl Production) Promotional stuff: website, flyers, stickers, branded car design, CD’s booklet & other merchandise assets


First version of software house. Creation of website and coordinate image.


M.A.S. corporate flyer

Brochure event and flyers for M.A.S. Music arts and show


First version of Lifestyle design for living’s corporate website: forniture and design shop in San Remo.